horses [ Screening of invited foreign films with after-talk ]

Horses is a dance performance with an untameable energy, in which 5 young children and 5 adults meet. The little ones and the tall ones share avidity, a sense of wonder and above all unshakeable trust in each other.Horses would fit the festivals theme “Towards the unknown” perfectly as it is about wanting to be grown-up and wanting to remain a child, about power and vulnerability, about carrying and being carried. About probing before surrender, the search for who’s pulling the strings, finding the rhythm. It’s about the experience of finding your way, about the power and integrity in human interaction, both indispensable to build futures together. Accompanied by live music of Thomas Devos and Bertel Schollaert, the dancers are looking for a symbiosis, a unique connection with the other, as a rider and a horse, as lone wolves in a flock.
A video recording of the work will be shown at the venue. After the screening, there will be an after-talk session with the performers, director, and other company personnel overseas via a live broadcast.